The student news site of Hunterdon Central Regional High School

Zoe Bowser

Zoe Bowser is a lover of art.

She has painted sets for the 9/10 plays, displays in the IMC, and helped out with the student of the month display. Zoe also had an internship in the IMC where she helped librarians.

Overall, she’s very active in extracurriculars at Hunterdon Central and takes after-school activities seriously. Throughout high school, she’s been involved with Teen Pep, National Art Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, and this year she started Speech and Debate.

As Zoe is beginning her college search process, she has recognized her love for teaching and is considering the idea of becoming a college professor. Zoe, the oldest of 5, has always been really close with her family. Because of this, she knows that she wants to stay in New Jersey after college to remain close to them.

Her senior year has been filled with a lot of work and stress, but she agrees she’s changed throughout high school.

“I know myself better…I have more confidence,” she says.


The idea of College is exciting to her, but she’s sad to leave her friends, and doesn’t want to lose the relationships she’s gained in high school. She appreciates the education she’s received at Hunterdon Central and believes the lessons that Central has taught her will help her towards a career that’s centered around her passion for art.

Zoe’s heading for a 5 year masters program at Drew University, where she has applied for early application and is planning to major in art education.

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