Hunterdon County Library Plans For a Virtual Summer

June 22, 2020
Are you looking for virtual activities to participate in this summer? Are you a book-worm? Are you looking for virtual volunteer opportunities? If your answers to any of these questions are yes, keep reading.
The Hunterdon County Library is offering a variety of virtual programs throughout the summer. One of my personal favorites, Thursday Book Club! Join the weekly meeting every Thursday from 7-7:30 PM to talk about books with fellow book lovers! There is no required reading- simply share your thoughts about books you want to read, books you’ve read in the past, and books you are currently reading. Plus, you can find out what others are reading and add those books to your “to-read list” if they interest you!
Additional summer reading this year will be done using ReadSquared, a platform where you can track the books, audiobooks, and graphic novels that you read. You can also earn incentives such as books, buttons, or magnets by completing missions through ReadSquared. Each book read or mission completed will also earn an entry into a grand prize gift card!
If you’re not so big on reading, the library also has an Anime Club. Yup, that’s right, an Anime Club. Every Thursday from 8-9 PM club members watch 2 episodes of either Haikyuu or Bleach on Netflix together via Netflix Party. The only thing required to join is a Netflix account — oh, and a love for anime!
If you don’t like reading or anime, don’t worry, Hunterdon County Library has tons more to offer!
As the flyer above says, On July 7th and August 4th they will have Teen Trivia Nights from 7-8 PM via WebEx and Kahoot! July 7th will be Harry Potter themed, and August 4th will be Disney themed. To access the links to join, email Maryjean, Hunterdon County Library’s Teen/STEM Librarian, at [email protected].
In addition to trivia nights, the library will also host a virtual Teen Scavenger Hunt! On July 14th from 7-8 PM, teens from various schools in Hunterdon County will be meeting via WebEx to search their homes for specific items! Students in grades 7-12 are welcome to join. Please email Maryjean at [email protected] to register and for more information.
The library also plans to host other events throughout the summer such as Bingo Night, Arts & Crafts, an Open Mic, and more. The dates for these events have not yet been announced. Please follow the Hunterdon County Library on Instagram (@hclibrary3) for more updates!
Refer to the flyers above! Winners of the Trivia Nights, Scavenger Hunt, and all other events will receive a prize!
Finally, if you are a Central student looking for virtual volunteer opportunities, you’re in luck! One of the many volunteer opportunities being offered is the Teen Advisory Board! Help build a better library for residents of Hunterdon County by attending weekly meetings starting June 23rd. For the link to the meeting or information on other volunteer opportunities the Library has to offer, please reach out to Maryjean Riou, Hunterdon County Library’s Teen/STEM Librarian at [email protected].