Roving Reporter: Thoughts on Senior Prom? Will the school take enough precaution? Are you attending?

“I am very happy that the school has decided to put on a senior prom and I am planning on attending… I hope that the school takes enough precautions for covid. I think the venue is big enough for all students attending and we will still be following all CDC guidelines! Very excited for a happy ending to my senior year.”

Mya Corby ‘21


“I haven’t really thought about prom, and although I was originally excited that it’s happening, I am wondering how they are going to keep it safe but also fun at the same time. Up until now I was totally fine if prom wasn’t going to happen because I was just going to take pictures and have a fun time with my friends at our prom house. I honestly think prom is overrated lol but I still want to go just for the experience. Assuming all my friends still want to go and everything works out, I’ll probably end up going.”

Rachel Masut ‘21


“This year’s prom will be different along with many other things. However, I’m really glad the class of 2021 is getting some sort of celebration before we graduate. I hope the precautions we have been taking all year continue to be implemented into our prom to ensure everyone’s safety.”

~Emma Matza ‘21