Wrapping Up 2020 With Grounding Affirmations

Cassidy Kleinwaks

As we get closer to winter break, the hustle and bustle of the holidays has begun to approach us out of the blue. There is so much excitement that arises from decorating, shopping for loved ones, and reuniting with family. However, with the holiday season, there also tends to be an abundance of stress. It is common for many to feel overwhelmed about gift-giving as well as a variety of other things. And, with winter break and the first semester’s end nearing, teachers tend to assign a plentiful amount of work along with exams. As the semester draws to a close, students tend to feel added pressure about maintaining and increasing their grades. In addition to all of the normal stressors brought about yearly, the pandemic also poses a threat to one’s happiness and sanity. With this in mind, it is important to take time for self-care and maintain a balance in order to stay calm and healthy. By taking a few minutes out of the day to repeat affirmations, one can find ease in staying grounded and looking forward to a holiday season filled with joy. 

Affirmations are brief but powerful statements that evoke positivity, allowing one’s thoughts to control their reality. They are written in the present tense and work as commands controlling the brain to follow what is being declared. They possess power regardless of whether they are spoken aloud, read, or written. Of the thousands of thoughts that the brain possesses every day, only about 20% are positive. The goal of practicing daily affirmations is to redirect the mind and subconsciously change behaviors, routines, and thoughts. Focus and consistency are two very significant factors that guide the success of daily affirmations in one’s life. Not only do positive affirmations contribute to long term success, they also can instantly provide motivation and optimism. Looking over a list of affirmations (whether found off the internet or self written) in the morning and at night, is most common and most effective and serves as reminders and inspiration throughout the day. Affirmations are created to attract positive energy such as confidence, wealth/success, love, and relief from anxiety. Ultimately, taking a couple minutes out of the day to affirm some uplifting thoughts is a simple way to see change your perspective on life. Listed below are some helpful affirmations to deal with the stress brought with the end of the year. 


  1. I am healthy and full of energy.
  2. I am healthy in all aspects of my life. 
  3. I am capable of accomplishing everything I set my mind to.
  4. I am great at spreading love and making others happy.
  5. I am happy and satisfied with the time I get to spend with friends and family.
  6. I am safe and protected.
  7. I am proud of myself for all of the hard work I’ve done. 
  8. I have the stamina and energy to do whatever I want.
  9. I have released myself of all negativity and replaced it with positive energy.
  10. I deserve constant happiness.
  11. I deserve a break when I’m stressed.
  12. I choose to be grateful for all I have.
  13. I choose to focus on and maintain good health.
  14. I choose to be kind to myself and allow kindness to flow through all aspects of my life.
  15. I choose to live in the moment and stay centered. 
  16. I attract positivity and good luck.
  17. My body is strong and powerful.
  18. My heart is full of love and happiness.
  19. When I can control how I feel, I can control my future.
  20. I am fully supported by the universe.


As the incredible stressor that was 2020 finally comes to a close, worry and pressure can feel inevitable. However, there are ways we can learn to cope and handle situations to prevent burnout. It can be hard trying to drop everything and meditate or submerge in extensive therapeutic activities, but by letting go of the negative and focusing on optimistic thoughts, it may make a substantial difference in one’s life.  Prioritizing time to care for your mental health is so important in maintaining wellness. This winter, remember that taking some time out of your day to read, breathe, and affirm is a healthy way to deal with stress brought about by the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Asia Pietrzyk