Finding Your Way Through The First Weeks Back to School


Central can be intimidating, but anyone can get familiar with it.

Whether a freshman or a senior, almost everyone this year is having trouble navigating the long, winding hallways of Hunterdon Central. After spending half of the 2019-2020 school year online and having an unusual hybrid schedule last year, the switch back to full-day in-person school definitely feels weird. Many students have felt lost, both literally and figuratively due to Hunterdon Central’s giant campus. In order to make the transition into a normal school day, it’s important for students to get a good night’s sleep and breakfast beforehand, try their best to stay organized and ahead of schoolwork, and to know where they are going each morning. 

The campus of Hunterdon Central can come off as large and intimidating at first, but throughout the years, it becomes much easier to understand. The problem is, most of the students have not had the opportunity to get to know the school. First of all, the classrooms in the 100s can be found on the first floor of the 9/10 building, as well as the cafeteria and gyms. Head up the stairs to the 200s to find the main entrance, the nurse’s office, and the 9/10 counselor’s office. Last but not least, if you survive the dreaded climb to the third floor, you will find the 300s. Exiting the 9/10, past the IMC and the music/tv building, you enter the 11/12 building. Immediately, you see the 600s and the cafeteria. Continue straight forward and look for the second right turn to get to the green hallway, containing the 800s. If you keep going straight down the main hallway, the 700s are located past the turn, in the hallways to the left. If you do decide to take that right turn, the 800s are a series of classrooms in small alcoves with a lounge in the middle. Right as you turn into the green hallway there is a staircase, leading right up to the 900s. There is also another staircase at the other end of the 800s, both of which are useful. Back downstairs, past the 700s you will find the commons (which conveniently open to the 800s on the right), the field house, and the main entrance into the 11/12 building. Besides knowing the location of all the classrooms, it’s also important to plan out the best way to get there. For example, instead of going through a crowded hallway, try looking for a way to avoid it by going around outside. Now that the hallways don’t have to be one way anymore, there are plenty of ways to get to class. This may all seem like a bit much, but as with anything, it requires practice and a bit of trial and error. 

Perhaps the most important element of a successful school year is fixing the sleep schedule as soon as possible. Data from four surveys conducted by the Sleep Foundation in 2007 through 2013 found that more than 67% of high school students got seven or less hours of sleep each night (Sleep Foundation). This is less than the recommended 8-9 hours per night, and sleep deprivation can seriously impact a student’s mental wellbeing and grades. In order to fix a messed up sleep schedule, it’s important to start by slowly going to sleep earlier each day. In addition to this, it can be helpful to avoid screens, big meals, and exercise before sleep.  Last but not least, it’s most important to be relaxed before bed. 

Which leads to the next important topic of back to school: how can students stay on top of schoolwork without letting it cut into personal life and wellbeing? There’s really no one answer, since every student has their own preferences and study habits. It will ultimately be up to the student to figure out what works best when it comes to homework completion. However, it is helpful for every student to keep track of their homework somehow. Whether this is on a sheet of paper in a notebook or in a google doc, doing this will help you become more organized. Another thing that can be helpful is having a designated study spot that is quiet and comfortable. Lastly, if you are really struggling with schoolwork, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a teacher or stay after during tutorial.

All in all, starting the school year off on the right foot can set the tone for the rest of the year. Be careful about the habits you start now, for they can either positively or negatively affect your wellbeing. If you ever get lost, either literally or figuratively, don’t be afraid to ask for help.