Senior Wrestling Captains: Tanner Peake and Aidan Portnoy
Senior Wrestling Captains: Tanner Peake and Aidan Portnoy

February 1, 2022
How long have you been wrestling? How long for Central? Other teams?
I have been wrestling for 12 years. I started wrestling with the youth program when I was 7 and have also wrestled for team New Jersey.
What got you involved in wrestling? Why do you continue to wrestle?
I got involved in wrestling because of my dad who introduced me to the sport and helped me get into it. I continue to wrestle because I believe there is no better sport for discipline and growth and the sport is very individual and allows me to have complete control of what I need to do each time I compete.
What other activities are you involved in at school?
I have done weight training since I was in 7th grade and it has affected my life by greatly helping my wrestling ability and has given me more confidence in everything I do.
What activities do you participate in outside of school? What do you do for fun?
I enjoy fishing in my free time as well as playing golf and it has taught me to have good patience.
What is your favorite thing/thing you will miss most from Central?
I will mostly miss all the friends I have made and the great environment.
Name at least one thing you want to do before you graduate?
Win a State Championship.
What are you looking forward to after high school? College? Career?
I am looking forward to wrestling for Davidson College and studying economics.
Any advice for underclassmen?
I would recommend staying focused, being yourself, and enjoying the ride!
How long have you been wrestling? How long for Central? Other teams?
I have wrestled through the youth program all my life (13 years).
What got you involved in wrestling? Why do you continue to wrestle?
I got involved into wrestling through my dad who got me into it and I continue to wrestle because I enjoy working hard each day to work towards a goal.
What other activities are you involved in at school?
I played lacrosse for 3 years at Central and it was a good way to stay in shape and get shredded for the summer time.
What activities do you participate in outside of school? What do you do for fun?
I enjoy boxing and weightlifting and these activities have helped me with my strength and confidence.
What is your favorite thing/thing you will miss most from Central?
I will mostly miss all the friends I have made and the great environment.
Name at least one thing you want to do before you graduate?
Win a State Championship.
What are you looking forward to after high school? College? Career?
I am looking forward to going into trade school (right next to where Tanner is studying!) and continuing my lifting journey.
Any advice for underclassmen?
I would recommend living healthy and working hard but also have a good time because it goes fast!